$1997 Yours for $10 Monthly
You are sick of the bull shit the education system has wrapped us up in.
You became a teacher because you love the kids… yet you see so many people in the profession for the wrong reasons.
It’s as if “those teachers” take pride in…
- Confiscating cell phones from students
- Sending students to ISS for dress code violations
- Belittling students and being the biggest bully in the classroom
- Confusing a rigorous curriculum to be thick packets and busy work with zero critical thinking
- Being the first teacher at school and the last person to leave work
- Students hating their class because “it’s not their job to make students like them”
You’re the best teacher in your building.
You have mastered gaining respect from your students and don’t have to fight them to “follow the rules.”
They turn work in (enough lol), they listen when you teach, they participate in discussion, they put their phones away when needed, they listen to your feedback, they try harder in your class than any other.
Above all, you realize that these students in the seats before you MATTER and need modern teaching at the forefront to nurture the whole child.
And now it’s time for you to master your craft and truly understand why you are so fucking good at the work you do.
If you are so f*cking ready to have ave THE BEST school year yet feeling confident in your "unconventional methods and untraditional pedagogy" without a care in the world because you know you are doing what is best for children then YOU are in the right place.
The Social Emotional Classroom x Burn it to the Ground is for the teachers like US.
Burn it to the Ground is a summer pocket pd session where you will be engulfed in bite sized trainings that are cultivated for the teachers like us who are so tired of the same 'ol boring ass professional development on “how to make data driven decisions” or "differentiating instruction."
How does this sound instead...?
- Audacity-- be THAT biatch (in the classroom)
- Why can't my students read?
- From the eyes of a newcomer: ESOL Training
- Classroom Culture and Community
- SEL WTF does that really mean
- Letting Big Kids be KIDS
- Bell to Bell Bull Shit
- Cycle Synching
- Emotional Regulation
- TEL: Teacher Emotional Learning
- Emotionally Immature Adults
- Trauma Informed Teaching
- What are relationships… actually
- Canva Crash Course
AND Your ALL ACCESS PASS to every single resource I've ever created to save you TIME, provide SEL time, mental health days, and deeply connect with students all year long:
- Access to ALL 175+ activities in The Kinda Sorta Teacher's Resource Library 🎁
- Agenda Templates + calendars
- Seasonal + holiday interactive digital activities
- Printable activities
- SEL Vibe Check
- Pop Culture + Throwback Trivia
- Teacher Roasts
- Social Media Themed Fun
- Various Projects
- All season activities
- Google Classroom/Google Form Headers
- YouTube/TedTalk x Google Form Activities
- Student Templates
- Posters + Cards
- Awards
- and everything else I continue to create
- Access to my Canva Workshop replay 💻
- Access to Burn it to the Ground | the growing pocket PD library with REAL teachers, REAL experts, and REAL talk
New resources will continue to be added. Membership is good for one teacher per subscription.
**Notice if you are caught link sharing you will be removed from the membership with no refund and banned from joining in the future. YES, we can see sharing via Google Drive with our AI tracking tools, YES we take this seriously, YES we kick you out with no questions asked.**